Indiana Water
Environment Association
6510 Telecom Dr, Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46278
Join us for the IWEA Annual Meeting where we will be electing officers for 2022 and offering one technical contact hour for IWEA members. Join us virtually or in-person and congratulate our new board members, earn some end-of-the-year contact hours, and mingle with other members. 10:35-11:00 AM | Presentation #1 11:10-12:00 PM | Presentation #2 […]
Mark your calendars for February 15th-17th for the IWEA Construction Observation Course. This three-day course provides a basic overview of inspection and observation requirements for sewer and water construction. It is taught from the Inspection Manual for Sewer and Water Construction which was prepared by the IWEA Collection Systems Committee and IUPUI. Each person successfully […]
The Core Conference will be hosted by the IWEA Laboratory, Operations & Maintenance, and Residuals & Resource Recovery Committees on March 9th at Merrell Bros. in Kokomo, Indiana. Forum topics will provide a discussion on the core aspects of wastewater treatment: research, new technologies, operational and/or maintenance case studies, residuals management, resource recovery, laboratory, safety, and workforce […]
In 2018, the State convened the Water Infrastructure Task Force (“Task Force”) to study drinking water and wastewater utility needs and best practices in Indiana. One recommendation of the Task Force was for the State to assist utilities with long term planning by establishing Water Infrastructure Study Areas for the purpose of studying supply and […]
The Utility Management Seminar will be hosted on April 26th at Bowen Engineering Indianapolis, IN This year’s seminar focuses on regulation and finance. Among the topics covered will be cybersecurity and other AWIA requirements, ARP funding, interpreting your financial statements, asset management plans, fostering innovation, new permitting requirements, operator certification testing, and the lead & copper […]
Join the Municipal & Industrial Pretreatment Committee and subject-matter experts for roundtable discussion around four key topics: Facility Inspections Sampling Enforcement Response Grease, Rags Lunch will be provided. Register today by emailing View Flyer Here >>