IWEA Awards

IWEA presents awards each year at the annual conference in August.  Deadlines for most IWEA award nominations are May 1st but can be as early as February.  If you have any questions regarding submission guidelines or qualifications for any awards, please contact staff@indianawea.org.

Click on the tabs above to view details for the awards in that category.

20-Year Club

The 20-Year Club award is given to those industry professionals who have been involved with the water environment for at least 20 years.

Submission Deadline: May 1st


  • Candidate for election must have a continuing interest in one or more fields of water pollution control. Such interest  may be as an operator, supervisor, superintendent, chemist, or other employee directly associated with a wastewater treatment plant; professor, instructor or student in sanitary engineering or related field; designer; consultant; sales or sales service (if a substantial portion of sales is in wastewater treatment or control); regulatory; or other related activity.
  • An applicant must be an active, corporate or dual member of IWEA at the time of an election.
  • The election shall be by the Executive Committee. A unanimous vote of those attending a duly called meeting of the Executive Committee shall be required.

Barbara Smith Award

The Barbara Smith Award shall be presented to an individual for exceptional dedication to educate and mentor the water and wastewater industry. This award commemorates Barbara Smith, an active IWEA member and past president of IWEA and awards committee chair.

Submission Deadline: May 1st

Requirements: The Awards Committee, when deemed appropriate, may recommend a current IWEA member as for the Barbara Smith Award. Awardees will require a unanimous vote of the Executive Committee.

Bedell Award

IWEA’s parent organization, the Water Environment Federation, recognizes extraordinary personal service to a WEF Member Association. The award is presented by a WEF representative at the IWEA Annual Conference.

Submission Deadline: May 1st

Requirements: Check out the full requirements linked below on the WEF website. Then, submit the nomination form, linked below, to staff@indianawea.org.

Note: The nominee must be a member of WEF. IWEA will need their WEF member number in order to submit for the award.

Hatfield Award

IWEA’s parent organization, the Water Environment Federation, recognizes operators of wastewater treatment plants for outstanding performance and professionalism. The award is presented by a WEF representative at the IWEA Annual Conference.

Submission Deadline: May 1st

Requirements: Check out the full requirements linked below on the WEF website. Then, submit the nomination form, linked below, to staff@indianawea.org.

Note: The nominee must be a member of WEF. IWEA will need their WEF member number in order to submit for the award.

Honorary Membership Award

An Honorary Member shall be a person of acknowledged eminence in one or more fields of activity within the scope of the stated objectives of the Association. Candidates may be nominated by the Awards Committee, but can be elected only by favorable secret ballot of the Executive Committee. One negative vote would exclude.

Submission Deadline: May 1st

Requirements: The qualifications for honorary membership are set forth in Article I, Section 4, of the By-Laws and Exempts Payment of National and State Dues.

  • The Awards Committee, when deemed appropriate, may recommend a present or past recipient of this state award for nomination to the National Honorary Membership Award. Actual nomination to the National award shall require a unanimous vote of the Executive Committee and a favorable vote of the membership at the annual state meeting.
  • Honorary Members shall be elected for life, pay no Association or Federation dues and shall receive all the publications of the Association and Federation for regular membership at no cost to the awardee.
  • No election to Honorary Membership shall be made which would cause the total number of living Honorary Members to exceed a ratio of one to every fifty active members. Not more than one Honorary Member shall be elected in any one administrative year.

Quarter Century Operator Club (WEF)

IWEA’s parent organization, the Water Environment Federation recognizes operators of wastewater treatment facilities for their service and dedication in a difficult and dangerous profession. The Club was created under the sponsorship of Frank Woodbury Jones, who served as the Clubs’ first registrar. The award is presented by a WEF representative at the IWEA Annual Conference.

Submission Deadline: May 1st

Requirements: Check out the full requirements and application linked below on the WEF website. This application is submitted directly to WEF via the details on their website.

Note: The nominee must be a member of WEF. IWEA will need their WEF member number in order to submit for the award.

  • Member of WEF for a minimum of five consecutive years immediately preceding application.
  • Significant, full-time participant in the water environment profession for a minimum of 25 years,
    • 10 years of which must have been in active participation in the day-to-day collections, maintenance, operations, laboratory, or management of a wastewater transportation or treatment facility.

Tumblebug Award

This Tumblebug Award is made for recognition of committee members, program presenters and other journeymen within our organization who have labored industriously on behalf of the Association.  

All Tumblebug Awards shall be made by a ceremony to liken the efforts and work of the Dung Scarab and awardees shall become a member of an elite society known as the “Order of Eminent Tumblebugs.” 

Submission Deadline: May 1st

Requirements: This Tumblebug Award is made to those eminent visitors to IWEA meetings and those friends of the Association deemed worthy by the Awards Committee and/or the Executive Committee. Not more than six (6) members shall be elected in any administrative year.

The Collection System Awards are presented in up to three categories as follows:

  • Professional of the Year
  • Large Facility (Facility serving a population of 10,000 or more)
  • Small Facility (Facility serving a population of less than 10,000)

The award consists of a plaque suitably inscribed with the recipient’s name. This is a great way to honor the individuals and facilities working so hard to improve the collection system profession.

Professional of the Year

Submission Deadline: May 1st


  • Completed Nomination Form (see button below) – be sure to select Professional of the Year
  • Written description of the individual’s accomplishments and discussion of their contribution to the collection systems field. Reference letters may be provided but are not required.

To apply, click the button above.

Small or Large Facility

Submission Deadline: May 1st


  • Completed nomination form (see button below) – be sure to select the correct facility type
    • Large Facility (Facility serving a population of 10,000 or more)
    • Small Facility (Facility serving a population of less than 10,000)
  • Photographs – include up to six (6) photographs pertinent to the nominated project and include brief written description of each photograph.
  • View a sample nomination

To apply, click the button above.

Laboratory Excellence Award

The Laboratory Excellence Award is given in the form of a plaque to be awarded for outstanding achievement in the implementation of laboratory technique and administration. The awards may be given to municipal facilities for each classification (I, II, III, IV [a] < 10 MGD and IV [b] > 10 MGD).

Submission Deadline: February 22nd


Candidates for the award shall be determined by the Laboratory Committee and is based upon a graded evaluation of their criteria. Candidates must complete the Laboratory Excellence Award Application and be inspected by a member of the Laboratory committee to be eligible for the Laboratory Excellence Award. To receive the Laboratory Excellence Award each analyte must receive a score of 70% or higher, each section 85% or higher, and an overall score of 90% or higher.

Annually, a member of the Laboratory Committee will travel to labs around the State to conduct thorough lab audits. These audits are similar to the audits performed by IDEM inspectors except these audits are conducted only in labs who voluntarily participate. The audits serve as an excellent tool for hands-on consulting in your actual laboratory.

  • Laboratory Inspection Applications must be submitted to the Lab Committee chair by mid-February of the current year.
  • For questions regarding the Laboratory Excellence Award, please contact the chairperson, which you can find here.

Applications are currently CLOSED.

Laboratory Analyst Award

IWEA’s parent organization, the Water Environment Federation, recognizes individuals for outstanding performance, professionalism and contributions to the water quality analysis profession. The award is presented by a WEF representative at the IWEA Annual Conference.

Submission Deadline: May 1st

Requirements: Check out the full requirements linked below on the WEF website. Then, submit the nomination form, linked below, to staff@indianawea.org.

Note: The nominee must be a member of WEF. IWEA will need their WEF member number in order to submit for the award.

O&M Award of Excellence

This Award is intended to recognize those WRRFs which exhibit excellence in operations and maintenance by incurring zero violations of its NPDES Permit, reflecting exemplary performance by its operations and maintenance staff. By basing the award on each WRRF’s individual NPDES Permit and Class category, it provides a more even playing field for receiving the award.

The type of award plaque will be determined based upon the number of awards to be presented (individual plaques versus large wooden plaque with plate for each year)

Submission Deadline: March 31st


The Award must be submitted by an IWEA member

The Award will be presented to a municipal public, semi-public, or private Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) with zero violations of its NPDES Permit during the previous calendar year.

Divided into 4 categories based on WRRF Class size (1, 2, 3, 4)

Materials to be submitted:

  • Description stating/certifying the WRRF had zero violations of its NPDES Permit for the calendar year of 2018
  • Copies of MROs for the entire calendar year
  • Copy of NPDES Permit
  • The deadline to submit is March 31st of each year

*Violations will not necessarily eliminate a nominee. The committee would be interested in cause and the procedures taken to remedy the violation. Please describe.

Creation of an Outstanding Device

The award for the creation of an outstanding device may be granted annually to the individual or plant that has developed an outstanding and original device or application of a device which facilitates plant operation.

The award shall consist of a mounted or framed certificate and shall mention the device involved and the originator of the device. Where more than one person is responsible for a major share in developing a device, the Awards Committee may provide for equitable recognition of those concerned.

Submission Deadline: May 1st


The recommendation of the Operations and Maintenance Committee shall be based on the originality and thoroughness of the presentation of the device. Such nomination shall be forwarded to the Awards Committee for approval. When deemed advisable by the Committee, more than one award per year may be made.

    • The award recipient shall be selected from applicants of the membership.
    • Application for the award shall be submitted online no later than May 1st of that year.
    • The application will contain pictures and include suitable evidence and description of the device and results obtained with its use.
    • The name and address of those directly responsible for originating the device shall be included in the application.

Operator of the Year

The Award will be presented to an individual operator of a municipal public, semi-public, or private Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF). The award will be presented to an individual in each of 4 categories based on WRRF Class size (1, 2, 3, 4).

The ideal candidate will have made a long-standing contribution to the success of his/her WRRF, service that goes above-and-beyond the requirements of the position, and a positive attitude that others look to. Candidates for consideration may:

  • Possess unique expertise that results in better plant performance;
  • Train/mentor/encourage the next generation of operators;
  • Have developed a device that fills a gap in the market or accomplishes the same but at a lower cost/ easier to operate;
  • Be viewed as a highly valuable member of the operations team, difficult to replace; or
  • Others

Submission Deadline: May 1st


  • Letter of nomination from a person with firsthand knowledge of the candidate’s credentials. Maximum length: 1 page
  • Letters of support/recommendation from others attesting to candidate’s credentials
  • Statement from a supervisor that candidate is in good standing with the organization, without notable issues with performance or safety
  • Statement of WRRF Class Size

John M. Craddock Award

The John M. Craddock Award, in the form of a plaque, is to be awarded for outstanding contributions in the field of industrial wastewater. Nominations may be made for either an individual or a facility. Award winners shall be limited to no more than two (2) per year – one individual and one facility – regardless of the number of nominees. The award need not be given every year and the sponsoring committee need not make nominations each year.

The John M. Craddock Award may be presented to any industrial employee, university student or professor, consulting engineer, governmental personnel or any other individual or facility deemed to have made an outstanding contribution in the field of industrial wastewater treatment or pretreatment program administration by the Pretreatment Committee.

Submission Deadline: May 1st


Outstanding contributions shall be considered to be those contributions that enhance and improve the quality of the environment and/or the health and safety of the public. Examples of outstanding contributions may include earning the Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s Five Star Award, developing or modifying a technology or process that significantly contributes to the improvement of the quality of, or the reduction in the quantity of, wastewater discharged by an industrial user and/or the compliance status of the facility, assisting in streamlining or implementing other administrative or operational methods in local pretreatment programs that directly result in significantly improved water quality, or other similar activities. Each nominee will be considered on the merits of the contribution made.

Nominations shall include the name of the nominee, the name of the nominating person, and a brief outline of the contribution made by the nominee.

Nominees need not be an IWEA member. Nominations may be made by persons other than members of IWEA or the Pretreatment Committee, but all nominations must be made to the Pretreatment Committee and must include all required documentation.

Junior Water Bug Award

The purpose of the IWEA Adopt a School award is to recognize Indiana elementary, middle, and high schools and educators who demonstrate an exceptional level of dedication to educating students on the importance of protecting and improving our water environment. The award may be given annually, at the discretion of the Public Communication & Outreach (PCO) Committee, based on the previous school year. Recipients may be individual classes or an entire school, at the discretion of the nominating individual (Sponsor) and the PCO Committee.

The award shall consist of a mounted or framed certificate as well as a $50 grant to the nominee to purchase educational materials relating to the water environment from the Water Environment Federation (WEF) Bookstore or a similar vendor, at the discretion of the Committee.

Submission Deadline: May 1st


The eligible entity must be located in the State of Indiana and nominated by a current member of IWEA (Sponsor). The nominee does not need to be affiliated with IWEA. To be eligible for the award, nominees shall complete a minimum of three (3) Eligible Activities in the proceeding school year. An Eligible Activity is defined as an educational program, lesson, or activity that is consistent with the objectives of IWEA in promoting an understanding of the importance of protecting and improving our water environment, as judged by the PCO Committee. The Committee shall prepare and maintain a list of Eligible Activities that will be available on the IWEA website and upon request. Educational programs, lessons, or activities can be added to the list of Eligible Activities at the discretion of the Committee. Sponsors and Nominees are encouraged to propose new Eligible Activities for inclusion on the list.

When deemed advisable by the PCO Committee, more than one award per year may be given. If, in the opinion of the PCO Committee, there are not a sufficient number of nominations submitted or the quality of the nominees does not warrant an award, then no award shall be granted.

Outstanding Website

The award for an Outstanding Website shall be given annually to the organization that, in the opinion of the Public Communication & Outreach (PCO) committee, has developed and maintained an exceptional website demonstrating the importance of educating the Citizens of Indiana on the importance of our water environment.

Submission Deadline: May 1st


To be considered, an organization must be nominated by a current member of IWEA. Eligible organizations must have a significant presence in Indiana and must demonstrate a commitment to using their website to promote the importance of protecting and improving our water environment. The nominated organization does not need to be affiliated with IWEA, nor does it need to employ IWEA members. Nominees shall be evaluated based on the Outstanding Website Award Evaluation Form based on the following criteria:

  • Ease of Navigation – 35%
  • Functionality – 25%
  • Content – 25%
  • Appearance – 15%

Nominations must be submitted in writing to the current chair of the PCO committee in letter format, no longer than three (3) pages in length, and shall include the following information at a minimum:

  • Name of Organization
  • Website Address
  • Name and Information for an Organization Representative
  • Name and Contact Information for Nominating Individual
  • A brief description of the organization’s history, purpose, goals and target audiences.

The PCO committee will evaluate nominations and select the annual recipient(s). When deemed advisable by the PCO Committee, more than one award per year may be given. If, in the opinion of the PCO Committee, there are not a sufficient number of nominations submitted or the quality of the nominees does not warrant an award, then no award shall be granted.

Ricky D. Dodd Public Outreach Award

The Ricky D. Dodd Public Outreach Award shall be given annually to the individual who, based on the recommendation of the Public Communications & Outreach (PCO) Committee, has demonstrated significant accomplishments in promoting awareness and understanding of the importance of preserving and enhancing our water environment through the development and implementation of education and outreach programs.

Submission Deadline: May 1st


To be considered, an individual must be nominated by a current member of IWEA. Eligible individuals must have a significant presence in Indiana and must demonstrate a commitment to educating and promoting awareness and understanding of water environment issues focusing on one or more of the following groups:

  • Professionals in the wastewater industry outside of the nominee’s organization
  • Elementary, Middle, High School, or College Students
  • Social or Civic Groups The General Public

The nominee does not need to be a member of IWEA.

The nomination shall include:

  • Nomination Form
  • A brief biography of the nominee
  • Specific reasons for the nomination (one-page maximum)
  • Any supporting documentation that demonstrates evidence of the program’s effectiveness (i.e. photographs, program materials, handouts, newspaper articles, letters of support from participants, etc.). Videos and/or audiotapes are encouraged.

The PCO committee will evaluate nominations and nominate the annual recipient(s). When deemed advisable by the PCO Committee, more than one award per year may be given. If, in the opinion of the PCO Committee, there are not a sufficient number of nominations submitted or the quality of the nominees does not warrant an award, then no award shall be granted.

Biosolids Award

The purpose of the awards program is to recognize significant contributions in the development and implementation of cost-effective, environmentally safe, and publicly acceptable biosolids beneficial use practices, which recycle nutrients, improve soil conditions, or otherwise conserve valuable natural resources.

Awards may be presented in the following categories:

  1. Operating Projects for Class A (large >=1650 dry tons/year and small <1650 dry tons/year) and Class B (large >=500 dry tons/year and small <500 dry tons/year). Outstanding, full-scale, beneficial use technologies, and public acceptance.
  2. Technology Development Activities. Significant technological improvements that have been developed and fully proven at the operational level; these may be pilot or full-scale activities.
  3. Research Activities. Studies that have substantially contributed to an improved understanding of biosolids beneficial use practices, improved public acceptance, and/or advanced the technology.

Submission Deadline: May 1st


  1. Operating Projects (4 categories)
    1. Class A >=1650 dry tons/year  (large)    < 1650 dry tons/year (small)
    2. Class B >=500 dry tons/year  (large)      < 500 dry tons/year (small)
    3. Significant recycling/reuse of natural recourses (e.g., nutrients, organic matter, and energy)
    4. Substantial, full scale, proven operation over time
    5. Constant, cost-effective operation
    6. Public acceptance
      1. Demonstrated increases in both public acceptance and public demand. The term “public” is meant to include regulatory agencies, agricultural organizations, water quality professionals, public health officials, environmentalists, academic institutions, and the news media as well as the general public. Indicators of “demand” include such factors as waiting lists and user paying for biosolids.
      2. Characterized by a dedicated and successful individual and team efforts.
      3. Demonstrated willingness to share information and approaches for gaining public acceptance.
      4. Proactive successful approaches for working the press and other groups explaining the benefits of biosolids use, cultivating and gaining allies, and educating against unfounded alarmist stories that may arise.
      5. Excellence in local information transfer and training efforts that have made a positive local difference, (e.g., on-site demonstrations and collaborative efforts involving municipalities citizens, universities, and others)
      6. Characterized by managers who work with all stakeholders to identify and utilize critical control points for ensuring sound management and community-friendly practices.
    7. Compliance with applicable Federal, State, and local regulations.
    8. Management of nutrients, and control of nuisances such as odor, dust, and traffic.
    9. Excellence in project management, and particularly management that fosters close communication and coordination among stakeholders from generators to end users as well as project neighbors and the public.
  2. Technology and Innovation or Development Activities
    1. Sustained excellence in advancing our knowledge of technologies that recycle biosolids
    2. Technology that has the potential to advance many other areas across the nation
    3. Operationally proven
    4. Resolved previous biosolids management or utilization problems and have helped gain public acceptance
  3. Research Activities
    1. Greatly improve our understanding of the environmental effects associated with the beneficial use of biosolids
    2. Substantial contribution toward the development of improved technological designs and operations
    3. Key information generated for the development of improved biosolids regulations and guidance
    4. Greater public acceptability of biosolids recycling

Resource Recovery Award

This award is specifically designed to recognize a commitment to going green. Awards will be broken out into at least 4 separate categories – water, energy, nutrients, and consumables.

Submission Deadline: May 1st


Resource Recovery Qualification Areas (but not limited to)

  • Net Zero
  • Green Energy – Solar/Wind
  • Composting System
  • Solid Waste
  • Food Waste
  • Gas and Biogas
  • Biofuel Production
  • Reuse
  • Reclamation
  • Recycling Systems
  • Waste to Energy

Excellence in Safety Award

Safety Awards of Merit may be given to municipal facilities for Class I, II, III, IV, and industrial facilities. This program is designed to give recognition to all plants which grade high in merit points to such an extent that a plant may sustain a minimum of lost-time accidents and with a good point record could still be eligible for a safety award.

Submission Deadline: March 1st


To be eligible for this award, a plant must complete the Safety Inspection Form and receive an inspection from a safety committee member. The safety experience of each plant will be compiled by the committee and recommendations for awards shall be based on merit points and by accident experience of each plant recorded by the plant superintendent on the year-end safety report.

Applications are currently CLOSED.

George W. Burke, Jr. Award

IWEA’s parent organization, the Water Environment Federation, recognizes a municipal or industrial wastewater facility for establishing and maintaining an active and effective safety program.

Submission Deadline: March 1st

Requirements: Check out the full requirements and submission details on the WEF website, linked below.

Note: The nominee must be a member of WEF. IWEA will need their WEF member number in order to submit for the award.

To apply, submit an application for the Excellence in Safety Award (above) and select Burke Award for additional application materials. 

L.L. Larson Safety Award

The award will be made to the person responsible for bringing about safety improvements in the operation of a waste treatment facility. This improvement might be in the form of a change in the design of the plant, a change in plant operation, the formation of a set of safety rules, an educational program or anything else that will help reduce the number of waste treatment plant accidents. The award shall be known as the L.L. Larson Safety Award of the Indiana Water Environment Association in recognition of the work done by Mr. L. L. (Bert) Larson in the safety field. The award shall be in the form of a plaque and will be a permanent award to the recipient.

Submission Deadline: May 1st


Any member of the Indiana Water Environment Association is eligible to receive the award. Not more than one award may be made in any one year and no award may be made if the committee feels that no achievement was worthy of receiving the award. The award may be made for an outstanding safety record if such a record is the result of a safety effort of the facility.

Leo Besozzi Scholarship

The Besozzi Scholarship program is in place to assist a student in studying a field related to the water environment in earning their degree.

Submission Deadline: June 1st


You must satisfy the following criteria in order to be eligible for the IWEA-Besozzi scholarship:

  • Attend school in Indiana, full or part-time, for certification or degree (i.e. technical, vocational, bachelors, masters, or PhD);
  • Have completed, at least, the equivalent to one year in college; and
  • Enrolled in study related to the water pollution control industry.

Applicants must submit the following to staff@indianawea.org:

  • Official Transcript
  • 500-word (or less) essay about how career goals are related to the goals of IWEA
  • Brief statement of financial need
  • One academic or professional recommendation
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